[Freebsd-hackers] Re: FreeBSD 5.1 Installation probelms
Remko Lodder
remko at elvandar.org
Sun Jan 11 14:40:36 PST 2004
Excuse me, that is what i ment, (the logical drives)
As said with Avinash, we could not access that as well,
and he used to program he replied with (will be posted to this list
when the admin approves :) ) to restore it's data. But perhaps that makes it
also able to modify it a little to make it accessible by freebsd
fdisk/disklabel (not sysinstall
i think, since i think it calles fdisk or disklabel).
Anyway i am not sure this will work and does the job, but perhaps you can
have a look at it,
Though i never had your problem, as said i just plugged in a little extra
harddrive (450mb was
my first and it worked perfect :) )
and i do know the l33t language, but i prefer the 'normal' language :)
please to meet you toufeeq
and success with your harddrive/freebsd and your test.
Kind regards,
Remko Lodder
www.mostly-harmless.nl Dutch community for helping newcomers on the
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: 70uf33q Hu5541n [mailto:topa_007 at yahoo.com]
Verzonden: zondag 11 januari 2004 23:35
Aan: Remko Lodder
CC: freebsd-hackers at freebsd.org
Onderwerp: RE: [Freebsd-hackers] Re: FreeBSD 5.1 Installation probelms
hey Remko,
the FreeBSD sysinstall (i think) program does identify
the extended partitions but not the logical drives
contained in it.
and yes, I've not introduced myself yet. :D
I'm Toufeeq from Chennai,India.
20 yrs old doing my Engineering final year.
Been a linux user for 4 years now. FreeBSD , well I
was interested more in the way the history/development
of the OS took place and that got me hooked on and so
I wanted to give it a try.
Sadly though, my hard disk is causing problems.Though
that wont stop me ;)
btw, name uses wat some people call 'lewt' speak
its just replacing alphabets with numbers, like 3 = e
and a = 4.
so 70uf33q is actually Toufeeq.
love to explain more but its 4 am and I got a test on
--- Remko Lodder <remko at elvandar.org> wrote:
> Sorry to interupt,
> but i think that person x, since he has a weird name
> ;-) ,
> means that the partitioning device of freebsd cannot
> access the extended
> partition
> at all.
> I had this with a friend of mine, and we could not
> access the devices
> anymore since it was
> packed inside another partition (we migrated from
> linux to freebsd)
> We needed to use a bit of software that could
> re-enable our partition.
> Perhaps Avinash can reply with the software name/
> Also it is possible that your partition is held
> inside another one,
> how to resolve? No idea, i always started with a
> clean hdd, or a new one
> when the current on needed to be saved.
> Hope it helped a little.
> Cheers
> --
> Kind regards,
> Remko Lodder
> Elvandar.org/DSINet.org
> www.mostly-harmless.nl Dutch community for helping
> newcomers on the
> hackerscene
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: freebsd-hackers-bounces at lists.elvandar.org
[mailto:freebsd-hackers-bounces at lists.elvandar.org]Namens
> Daan Vreeken
> [PA4DAN]
> Verzonden: zondag 11 januari 2004 14:07
> Aan: 70uf33q Hu5541n
> CC: FreeBSD-hackers at FreeBSD.org
> Onderwerp: [Freebsd-hackers] Re: FreeBSD 5.1
> Installation probelms
> On Sunday 11 January 2004 11:29, 70uf33q Hu5541n
> wrote:
> > hey guys,
> >
> > Just got my copy of FreeBSD 5.1.
> > Spent about an hour going through the BSD Handbook
> and
> > preparing a Installation checklist.
> >
> > ok here's my problem.
> >
> > I have a WD 40 GB HDD
> > the primary partition is 10 GB, with the extended
> > partition 28 GB.(the rest 2 GB is in WD's bank).
> >
> > OK , the extended partition has 3 logical drives.
> > To create a slice for BSD, I resized one of the
> > logical drives to free up some space. About 1.2
> > GB,cause that's all I can spare.
> >
> > When I run the installation through CDROM, and the
> > point where I'm to creat the Freebsd slice,the new
> > partition is not displayed in the "FDISK" utility.
> >
> > All I get is the primary (10GB) and the whole
> Extended
> > (28 GB).
> > The freespace I guess is "locked into" the
> Extended
> > Partiton. Not sure though.
> Indeed you first have to resize the extended
> partition before you can use
> the
> space to create slices. The "fdisk" program that
> comes with Windows has no
> way to do this (except deleting all logicle drives
> in the extended partition
> and re-creating them). Have a look at the program
> "Partition Magic". It can
> resize partitions and it has a nice user interface.
> grtz,
> Daan
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