Where is FreeBSD going?

Munish Chopra chopra at soulwax.net
Thu Jan 8 10:13:28 PST 2004

On 2004-01-08 17:29 +0000, Doug Rabson wrote:


> The three main showstoppers for moving FreeBSD to subversion would be:
> 1. A replacement for cvsup. Probably quite doable using svnadmin
>    dump and load.
> 2. Support for $FreeBSD$ - user-specified keywords are not supported
>    and won't be until after svn-1.0 by the looks of things.
> 3. Converting the repository. This is a tricky one - I tried the
>    current version of the migration scripts and they barfed and died
>    pretty quickly. Still, I'm pretty sure that the svn developers
>    are planning to fix most of those problems. From mailing-list
>    archives, it appears that they are using our cvs tree as test
>    material for the migration scripts.

Perfection (or as close as possible) of cvs2svn.py is scheduled for
1.0. They've entered beta now, but without scanning the lists I suppose
that's "sometime 2004".

I've noticed some other projects having problems with repository
conversion, but at least things seem to be getting better.

Munish Chopra

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