[PATCH] sendfile erroniously returns ENOTCONN.

Alfred Perlstein alfred at freebsd.org
Fri Jan 2 22:01:57 PST 2004

* David G. Lawrence <dg at dglawrence.com> [040102 21:41] wrote:
>    sendfile(8) tries to maintain compatibility with sosend as much as is
> reasonable. ENOTCONN is the appropriate error to return if the socket
> isn't connected. sosend checks SS_CANTSENDMORE prior to the check for
> SS_ISCONNECTED, however, and returns EPIPE in that case. Perhaps sendfile
> should be changed to do the same (just a though - I'm not proposing
> that this be done).
>    Removing the check entirely seems clearly wrong, however.

I had forgotten that sendfile bypasses sosend(9).  I could
add the check, is there a reason not to?  The one reason I
figured was that sometimes blocking sigpipe can be hairy inside
libraries.   Now that we can selectively disable SIGPIPE using
the setsockopt using Apple's code this is less of an issue.

- Alfred Perlstein
- Research Engineering Development Inc.
- email: bright at mu.org cell: 408-480-4684

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