Call for Help: patching if_bfe against FreeBSD -stable (4.8, 4.9)

Al-Afu afu-subscribed-list at
Thu Feb 5 22:44:37 PST 2004

In Reference To: 

the above specifies a patch to include the bfe driver into a 4.8 kernel. How 
do I proceed with this? 

Pardon my ignorance, but I am not familiar with kernel's patches, hence the 
reason I am asking for some guidance or pointers. 

Any help towards this will be greatly appreciated. Been actively trying to 
solve the Broadcom 4401 NIC on my Dell 8500, and the above link seems to be 
the closest I can get to. I cant afford to upgrade to -CURRENT as my 
notebook is almost the mirror to all the production servers I have . 

Responses are much appreciated! Thanks 


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