Mac UFS partition unreadable

Matthew Reimer mreimer at
Tue Dec 21 14:01:51 PST 2004

Charles Sprickman wrote:

> On Sun, 19 Dec 2004, Bram Van Steenlandt wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I use both mac and freebsd and would like to have the abbility to use my
>> external firewire drive on both plattforms.
> There is another way to do this, but it's a tremendous hack.  That said,
> I've been doing it for more than two years...

Try this on FreeBSD 5:

All I do (to mount my HFS iPod) is:

kldload sbp
kldload geom_apple
kldload hfs
mount_hfs -u uid -g gid /dev/da1s3 /mnt/ipod

The above should work with your firewire drive as well.


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