Hand on gmirror (Was: Re: gmirror bugs, how many?)

Pawel Jakub Dawidek pjd at FreeBSD.org
Wed Dec 8 00:53:18 PST 2004

On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 02:10:02AM +0200, Alexandr Kovalenko wrote:
+> Hello, Pawel Jakub Dawidek!
+> > 
+> > This is known race, which is already fixed in HEAD. I want to commit it
+> > soon.
+> Any plans on backporting it to RELENG_5 (RELENG_5_3 maybe?)?

I'm going to MFC it probably this weekend to RELENG_5, RELENG_5_3 is
closed for changes like this one.

+> To be on original topic - is there any way to make a mirror from live
+> system? I mean I have running FreeBSD on da0 and I want to make a
+> gmirror on it (I'm planning to add second drive soon). How to avoid
+> those disklabel warnings correctly?

You still need to reboot. The whole instruction you should find in
freebsd-geom@ mailing list archives, I wrote about this few times, AFAIR.

Pawel Jakub Dawidek                       http://www.wheel.pl
pjd at FreeBSD.org                           http://www.FreeBSD.org
FreeBSD committer                         Am I Evil? Yes, I Am!
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