make "quickworld"? (like in DragonFly)
M. Warner Losh
imp at
Wed Aug 11 17:36:08 PDT 2004
In message: <200408112138.i7BLctsM057865 at>
Matthew Dillon <dillon at> writes:
: :As few people already mentioned, add -DCNOCLEAN flag after
: :makeworld or makekernel.
: :
: :And you can disable the building of most contributed
: :packages, like gdb, sendmail, cvs, games, etc. See make.conf(5).
: :
: :--
: :Sarunas Vancevicius
: What 'quickworld' does in DFly is skip the bootstrap, buildtools, and
: cross-build steps. Since cleaning occurs before bootstrap, it also
: effectively skips cleaning.
: We have a 'realquickworld' too which also skips the 'depend' step.
Well, quickworld seems easy to implement on FreeBSD (maybe I should
have more docs in Makefile.inc1). Sorting in TGTS could be better in
this patch too. Maybe quickworld target itself should go somewhere
else. realquickworld appears, from your description, to be
'everything' in the FreeBSD 5.
Anyway, the following patch appears to work for me.
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.305
diff -u -r1.305 Makefile
--- Makefile 23 Jul 2004 21:21:34 -0000 1.305
+++ Makefile 12 Aug 2004 00:30:34 -0000
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
# all kernels on all architectures).
# buildworld - Rebuild *everything*, including glue to help do
# upgrades.
+# quickworld - developer conveince building of the world, don't
+# report errors here that a full buildworld fixes.
# installworld - Install everything built by "buildworld".
# world - buildworld + installworld.
# buildkernel - Rebuild the kernel and the kernel-modules.
@@ -62,7 +64,7 @@
# developer convenience only. They are intentionally not documented and
# completely subject to change without notice.
-TGTS= all all-man buildkernel buildworld checkdpadd clean \
+TGTS= all all-man buildkernel buildworld checkdpadd clean quickworld \
cleandepend cleandir depend distribute distributeworld everything \
hierarchy install installcheck installkernel installkernel.debug\
reinstallkernel reinstallkernel.debug installworld \
Index: Makefile.inc1
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/Makefile.inc1,v
retrieving revision 1.432
diff -u -r1.432 Makefile.inc1
--- Makefile.inc1 28 Jul 2004 05:27:17 -0000 1.432
+++ Makefile.inc1 12 Aug 2004 00:30:34 -0000
@@ -343,6 +343,7 @@
WMAKE_TGTS+= _includes _libraries _depend everything
+quickworld: _includes _libraries _depend everything
buildworld: ${WMAKE_TGTS}
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