fsck_ffs: bgfsck fails becuase FS_UNCLEAN is not set

Peter Schuller peter.schuller at infidyne.com
Thu Apr 15 18:44:04 PDT 2004


I am trying to track down once and for all why I never seem to be able to 
enjoy background filesystems on the root filesystem of any machine. I have 
determined that checkfilesys() in fsck_ffs/main.c is bailing at the following 
location, thus triggering foreground checking:

	if ((mntp == NULL && sblock.fs_clean == 1) ||
		(mntp != NULL && (sblock.fs_flags & FS_UNCLEAN) == 0))
			exit(7);        /* Filesystem clean, report it now */

And I have confirmed that it is because (sblock.fs_flags & FS_UNCLEAN) == 0.

The question is why[1]. I cannot find any code that unsets the FS_UNCLEAN flag 
(except ckfini()).

I had expected the problem to be related to the root fs being mounted ro at 
that point in the boot sequence, which can be worked around. But fsck_ffs is 
not getting far enough to even check for that...

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

[1] The fs is in fact dirty due to a hard power-off and is detected as such 
when foreground checking is invoked.

/ Peter Schuller, InfiDyne Technologies HB

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