FreeBSD and Debugging?

Brandon Erhart berhart at ErhartGroup.COM
Fri Apr 9 22:23:22 PDT 2004

Thank you. You are my new god. I had checked out a version of valgrind for 
BSD (one of the patches) and it failed to compile.

Everything seems to be working, except I get this warning at the beginning 
of the program:

"Warning: ignoring --pointercheck=yes, because i386_set_ldt failed (errno=45)"

Any ideas?


At 11:17 PM 4/9/2004, you wrote:
>Brandon Erhart wrote:
>>For Linux, I've seen valgrind (probably one of the best) as well as 
>>several others. In the commercial arena, Rational's PURIFY and Parasoft's 
>>INSURE++ work on every OS *but* BSD. Any particular reason for this?
>>Are there any debuggers out there for BSD that will detect the heap/stack 
>Valgrind is available for FreeBSD.
>Lev Walkin
>vlm at
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