implications of SMP kernel on UP

Thierry Herbelot thierry at
Thu Apr 1 08:29:07 PST 2004

Le Thursday 01 April 2004 09:10, Bjoern A. Zeeb a écrit :
> Hi,
> what are the implications on running an SMP enabled kernel on a UP
> machine ?
> I first thought of things like:
> - performence (most likely not worth the discussion ?)

I got an improvement with a factor of ten between an SMP and a UP kernel on a 
HTT-enabled P4/2,6GHz/800MHz FSB on network transfers (with gigabit Ethernet 
boards : SMP gives about 6MB/s for FTP transfer rate, and UP gives up to 

So : as long as the network stack is not fully locked (this is coming - 
perhaps for 5.3), a server should definitely run a UP kernel.


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