installation panic

Mohamed Shahil Mooradun mshahil at
Thu Sep 25 17:15:50 PDT 2003


Thank you for reading this email.
I have been trying to install FBSD on my advent laptop 7018 (see 
specification below)
It came package with XP home.
Well I used Partition Magic 8 to create a partition before C drive. 
Well I created it as primary unformatted.
So FBSD boot can use the space before the 1,024 cylinder. When I set 
the unformatted partition active ready for install then I boot from my 
FBSD CD well there seem to be a kernel panic. It keeps on going in 
circle rebooting several times.

Please tell em if there is a possibility of installing FBSD on this 
hardware or I am trying to do the impossible. Maybe I need to install 
FBSD clean on the whole drive. Then create the slice an reinstall XP. 
But I'd rather not do that ,too many data to back up. try with moving 
and creating the partition first with PM8. FIPS won't work on XP anyway 
so i'm stuck @ the moment.

This section read only if you want to :
Now I am keeping the microsuck OS because I need it for my course work 
and also until i get all the hardware to function under FBSD example 
WI-FI Lan.
I like challenge and experimental learning and I think FBSD OS has a 
lot to go for. I like to get down to technical. Maybe in the future I 
will have to do some system administration in my line of duty I was 
going for Linux [RedHat 9.0]. However FBSD can emulate linux and run 
ported applications.
  I'm a newbie to Unix and I hate microsuck. But have a long time 
macintosh experience user. Well the latest OS X Darwin has its origin 
from FBSD. OS X is unix based. Well when I start looking under the hood 
of OSX well my unix interest has grown a lot. I decided that I should 
run FBSD on my wintel machine because I was getting tired of microsuck.

CPU                                                         Intel® 
Pentium® 4-M 2.00 GHz
Memory                                                    512 MB DDR 
Hard Drive                                               60 GB Fujitsu 
CD / DVD Drive                                       8x 8x 8x 24x 
Matshita CW-8121 DVD ROM/CDRW combination drive
Floppy Drive                                             Floppy disk 
Monitor 15 widescreen TFT                   (native resolution 1280x854)
Video / Graphics Card                             nVidia® GeForce 4™ 
440 GO (64 MB)
Sound Card                                              Realtek AC97 
Network Card                                          Realtek 8139 / 
180X (Onboard)
Network Card                                           Intersil® Prism® 
wireless LAN PCI card
PC Card                                                   1 x Type I / 
Type II PC Card
Ports Advent 7018 ports
Case Advent 70xx series case information
Battery Lithium-ion battery

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