Relinking binaries to new .so libs when versions change?

Andrew J Caines A.J.Caines at
Thu Sep 18 18:05:36 PDT 2003

Again, a port update of a library has bumped a .so version [in this case ->]. This leaves a bunch of binaries
linked to the old .so which won't start.

Other recent examples include and

Is there an elegant and quick way to relink a given binary to a different
version of a particular .so, eg. "mvld foo"?

I'm aware that rebuilding is the right thing to do since stuff can change
in the libs, however experience from symlinking .so.N to .so.N-n shows
that this almost never results in problems.

For the record, I'm largely clueless about the details of linking, but I
also wondered why we have all the .so -> .so.N symlinks if the linking as
always to the .so.N. Is the fact that some libs don't follow the
major/minor rules[1] a/the problem? I've read ld(1), ldconfig(8) [-r shows
the .so.N hints], rtld(1) and other pages, googled a bit and am only
slightly wiser, but not enough to answer my own questions.

Your clues will be gratefully received.


| -Andrew J. Caines-   Unix Systems Engineer   A.J.Caines at  |
| "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary |
|  safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" - Benjamin Franklin, 1759 |

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