A new sort utility

Richard Coleman richardcoleman at mindspring.com
Mon Sep 15 18:47:46 PDT 2003

Garance A Drosihn wrote:
> At 8:53 PM +1000 9/15/03, Tim Robbins wrote:
>> Comments/patches are welcome. As the "History" suggestion
>> of the manual page suggests, my plan is to get this in to
>> FreeBSD 6, along with replacements for some other GNU tools.
> Might we put this in freebsd-current (5.x), but under some
> other name?  sortbsd, or something?

Why would you want to do that?  Unless the performance difference is 
huge, I don't see the problem.

Since the number of people that really that extra 10% (or whatever) of 
speed (for sort) is small, I would suggest the reverse.  Replace the 
current sort with the BSD licensed version, and move the current one to 
a port "gnu-sort", or whatever.

I suddenly feel the need to go build a bikeshed.

Richard Coleman
richardcoleman at mindspring.com

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