Addition to reboot(8): reboot / halt reasons

Sean Kelly smkelly at
Mon Sep 1 21:36:59 PDT 2003

On Mon, Sep 01, 2003 at 10:25:42PM -0400, Christopher Nehren wrote:
> While playing around with Win2K3 recently, I noticed that it brings up a
> dialog at every reboot / shutdown and asks for a reason for said reboot
> / shutdown. So I was bored tonight, and decided to implement that
> feature in FreeBSD's reboot(8) with a -r flag. Here's a diff against a
> -CURRENT reboot.c, checked out about five minutes ago.

Err.. Wouldn't it just be easier to use the `shutdown` command?
I suggest you check `man 8 shutdown` out.

     shutdown [-] [-h | -p | -r | -k] [-o [-n]] time [warning-message ...]

Sean Kelly          | PGP KeyID: D2E5E296
smkelly at |

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