kqueue, NOTE_EOF

marius aamodt eriksen marius at monkey.org
Wed Nov 12 10:57:41 PST 2003

* Jason Thorpe <thorpej at wasabisystems.com> [031112 13:54]:

> On Nov 12, 2003, at 10:40 AM, marius aamodt eriksen wrote:
> >correct - this is the difference, kqueue will not yield any event at
> >EOF.
> So, kqueue should simply be changed to report the event.  I don't see 
> any need for a separate EOF flag.  EOF can simply be determined as 
> normal in the kqueue case as well.

right - the idea was to preserve existing semantics, while leaving the
poll-like semantics optional.


marius a eriksen <marius at monkey.org> | http://monkey.org/~marius/

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