Kylix in FreeBSD

Terry Lambert tlambert2 at
Thu Nov 6 23:59:08 PST 2003

Rod Person wrote:
> On Thursday 06 November 2003 09:09 am, It was written:
> > If you futs with getting Kylix to run under FreeBSD, don't forget the
> > special glibc requirements that some versions of Kylix have. Maybe you
> > should probably simply replace the entire /compat userland with the
> > userland of a distro that Kylix supprorts _with_ kylix extra patches
> > installed?
> Have you tried this? Since Kylix came out I have tried to get it to run on
> FreeBSD and various Linux distros. A few days ago I got kylix to run on SuSE
> 8.2 (from the kylix newsgroups this seems to be the best distro for it).
> NetBSDs Linux emulation is based on SuSE, isn't it? But, I found no postings
> related to Kylix on NetBSD. My next wondering is would NetBSD Linux emu run
> under FreeBSD and would this run kylix?

Since all new developement in Kylix is apparently officially
stalled, now would be a good time to do the porting work, since
it's no longer a moving target...

-- Terry

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