pkg_add and osreldate

Stijn Hoop stijn at
Fri May 23 15:01:27 PDT 2003

On Fri, May 23, 2003 at 01:09:51PM -0700, Tim Kientzle wrote:
> Problem:  If someone runs this on a 4.5-STABLE
> system, for instance (osreldate=450100), then
> they will be directed to "packages-4-stable".

That's not a problem is it? I thought that all ports and packages should
work on reasonably current -STABLE systems, although I think 'reasonably'
is pretty undefined :)

> It seems that packages-4.5-release would
> be more appropriate.

So users would default to installing packages with security holes?
I think that's not a good idea.

> Similarly, this logic claims
> that a 3.x system should be using packages from
> 5-stable!  (Though I don't consider that
> a serious problem, of course. ;-)


> I'm considering a simpler scheme: choose the
> first item with version <= osreldate.
> This would seem to provide cleaner handling
> of the various borderline cases.

I'd think you'd need to encode the branch, ie 400000 <= osreldate < 500000
means 'use packages-4-stable', and fall back to packages-4.x-release
if -stable is not available.


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