elf disassembler

Miguel Mendez flynn at energyhq.es.eu.org
Wed May 21 03:37:31 PDT 2003

On Wed, 21 May 2003 11:20:49 +0200
Dag-Erling Smorgrav <des at ofug.org> wrote:

> Does anyone know of a disassembler that understands 32-bit elf and
> IA32 machine code and can produce output suitable for feeding back to
> gas?  I know about objdump(1), but it doesn't meet the third
> criterion.

I've used dasm for years. Unfortunately, feeding the resulting code back
to an assembler is not immediate. It's still a very useful tool for
reverse engineering, tho. I know it doesn't meet the requirement but
maybe you find it interesting anyway:

With that and the help of some awk/grep magic you should be able to end
up with compilable file.

        Miguel Mendez - flynn at energyhq.es.eu.org
        EnergyHQ :: http://www.energyhq.tk
        Tired of Spam? -> http://www.trustic.com
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