Quick question ia64 vs amd 32/64

David O'Brien obrien at FreeBSD.org
Thu May 15 18:39:54 PDT 2003

On Thu, May 15, 2003 at 08:56:09PM -0400, Michael J. Pelletier wrote:
> 1) Which architecture is currently supported more Intel or AMD?

Intel IA-64

> 2) Which architecture will be maturely supported first by FreeBSD?

IMHO, AMD64.  Note I am biased though.  Today more committers have AMD64
boxes than IA-64, much less 6 mo. from now.  The AMD64 platform has a
much more common i386 architecture and can share i386's packages.

> In your option which architecture is better and why?

AMD64, but again I'm strongly biased and this question should be taken to
chat at freebsd.org
-- David  (obrien at FreeBSD.org)

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