Supposed lack of code from Apple
Roman Neuhauser
neuhauser at
Wed May 14 10:25:36 PDT 2003
# jhb at / 2003-05-14 11:14:38 -0400:
> On 14-May-2003 Wes Peters wrote:
> > On Tuesday 13 May 2003 01:57, Jordan Hubbard wrote:
> >>
> >> jkh at freebsd-> grep DOOFUS /usr/include/sys/errno.h
> >> #define EDOOFUS 88 /* Programming error */
> >
> > I think your tie is knotted a bit too snugly, it's cutting off the flow
> > of blood into your brain.
> >
> > If Apple wants to import FreeBSD code (it has been a very one-way
> > street, hasn't it?)
> Just a comment here. I think this last statement is bull. Apple
> has made lots of bugfixes to our code available in Darwin. All it
> takes is for someone to extract their lazy rear from a chair and
> import those fixes. We don't import our fixes into Darwin, Darwin
> developers do that. In the same way, it is rather absurd to
> require Darwin developers to backport their fixes to FreeBSD. That
> is the job of FreeBSD developers. As an example of how this can
> work, see the recent fixes to smbfs that bp@ imported from Darwin.
As far as I know Covalent's and IBM's developers *do* work on
mainstream Apache in they day work.
But don't read this as a support to Wes' position. I'm undecided.
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