wi network driver woes

M. Warner Losh imp at bsdimp.com
Tue May 13 12:25:45 PDT 2003

In message: <200305131530.41493.olivas at digiflux.org>
            Stacy Olivas <olivas at digiflux.org> writes:
: I've ran into some strangeness with the wi wireless network card driver under 
: a PicoBSD build (WarBSD).
: I can get the kernel to recognize PCMCIA card services and detect the WLAN NIC 
: at startup, but if you try to use it for anything you get the following 
: error:
: wi0: watchdog timeout

Interrupts are wrong.

: And, if you remove the NIC from the PCMCIA card slot and re-insert it, the 
: system doesn not automatically re-detect it...

Interrupts are wrong.

: Any suggestions on what I can do to make this work?

Use the right interrupts.


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