microuptime() went backwards.

thib thib at bitcode.org
Fri May 9 17:21:39 PDT 2003

I have now had the same proplem with periodic securty check's ( a cron job update's my time every 6 - 12 hours to keep log's correct or almost ;)
I had a log file of the microuptime going backwards wich added up to around 200MB wich I thougt was really weird, but since I think I have found out that this is not a critcal error just a very ugly one I'm thinking of just commencting this out of the system src and rebuild ( Is that smart thing since I'm no sys admin )

I'm running this box on a 4.8-STABLE with a VIA chipset on my motherboard AFAIK this as only happend to pepole with VIA chipset's on there motherboards.

On Fri, 9 May 2003 14:20:03 +0000 (UTC)
"Bjoern A. Zeeb" <bzeeb-lists at lists.zabbadoz.net> wrote:

> On Thu, 8 May 2003, Junwen Lai wrote:
> > > May  8 20:01:51 FeliX /kernel: microuptime() went backwards (39515.922679 -> 15.898650)
> > this happens when you change the system time, either by running "time"
> > explicitly or using something like ntptime. Not a big deal, just ignore
> > it.
> I still can reproduce it by doing heavy disk IO, eg. nightly backups
> to my amanda server. This happens w/ and w/o ntpd running (external
> clock connected).
> Suggestions from other PRs with apm etc. didn't help. Someone said
> it's because of the VIA chipset but changing the motherboard is not a
> solution.
> The time I first saw it was the first time of greater moves around
> filesystems after I turned softupdates on.
> Further more - before I had the external clock - I had times the next
> morning in the range from yesterday eve to the day high noon.
> I still sometimes have probs with nightly periodic scripts running
> twice :(
> At the moment this is a 4.7-STABLE box. I will update to 5-CURRENT
> once I find the time and see. I haven't checked the peace of code
> around thos messages there nbut at least someone removed or changed
> the 'microuptime() went backwards' log messages from what I could see.
> One last note: the problem here is that when logging kern.* to syslog
> the microuptime() went backwards warnings may produce a huge amount of
> log data (up to 50MB) and thus will also add some more disc IO so this
> may make the situation even worse. I didn't rebuild may latest kernels
> with some rate limiting for those logs included. I may help to exclude
> the '(39515.922679 -> 15.898650)' from logging so syslog can aggregate
> the messages.
> For more information you may check the ml archives and search (closed)
> PRs on the topic.
> -- 
> Greetings
> Bjoern A. Zeeb				bzeeb at Zabbadoz dot NeT
> 56 69 73 69 74				http://www.zabbadoz.net/

- Turning Coffee into stupidity since 1990 -
thib at bitcode.org

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