
Edward Tiruvsky radical__edward at
Sun Jun 29 01:57:52 PDT 2003

i know this might be a long shot but ive got some questions and i was hoping 
someone could help me out or point me in the direction of someone who 
can...reply through the digest
first off is it possible or even plausible to use several anonimous 
remailers to scramble an identity very well before sending it to the 
intended recipitent.  in other words have one remailer be the head that 
sends the message to the next remailer which passes the message to another 
and so on until it reaches the end where the last remailer is directable and 
able to send the mail to whoever the user wishes.
next i need to know of a good secure free domain. hotmail is good and all 
but who can really trust microsoft?
im probably fogeting some of my questions but anyway thats all for now 

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