replacing sendmail with qmail

Soeren Straarup xride at
Fri Jun 27 00:39:47 PDT 2003

Hash: SHA1

Well my point is that every one (that is interrested in security) knows
that Sendmail and bind and so on have their exploits..

And I like that they are the one that is comming with some more or less
insecure services, this is due to that it really gives ppl the freedom
choose the services that they want to use. But the generic ones works for
home networks with no external access too.

Freedom of religion.

Well with freedom comes responsibility.

Best regards Søren

| Soeren Straarup                      Mobile: +45 20 27 62 44   |
| FreeBSD wannabe since 2.2.6-R          |
| Also running OpenBSD and NetBSD      aka OZ2DAK aka Xride      |

On Thu, 26 Jun 2003, Jeremy Messenger wrote:

> On Wed, 25 Jun 2003 09:47:28 +0300, Alin-Adrian Anton
> <aanton at> wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > As sendmail showed to be so vulnerable in the past, and even in the
> > recent past, I was wondering to propose removing it from the default
> > install on freebsd. Currently, sendmail comes with the system sources,
> > and runs as root. I think this is bad, and it could be replaced with
> > qmail, for example. Or, something else, if you think something else is
> > more secure. Please let me know if this is possible, or why if not, and
> > to whom shall I address this idea (I wonder why it didn't happen yet).
> It is possible to delete the sendmail and replace to the different MTA on
> your own. To not have or change the different MTA by default in FreeBSD
> isn't going to happen anytime soon, anyway. I would love to see to get rid
> of sendmail too, thought. I don't have Sendmail in my server, which it has
> been replaced to qmail and sometime I want to try to replace from BIND to
> djb's libdjbdns.
> If anyone want to get rid of BIND, Sendmail and etc by default, the only
> way that I can see at the moment is.... *cough* fork FreeBSD *cough*.. or
> wait until libh project finishes or in future version of FreeBSD like 6.0,
> 7.0, 8.0 or so (maybe never)..
> Cheers,
> Mezz
> > Best Regards,
> > Alin.
> --
> 's moderator, mezz.
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