Interview in Byte with Chris Sontag/SCO and FUD relating toBSDsettlement agreement

Greg 'groggy' Lehey grog at
Wed Jun 18 17:30:28 PDT 2003

On Wednesday, 18 June 2003 at  2:38:34 -0700, Terry Lambert wrote:
> Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
>> Yes, it reminded me of that thread, but wkt was actually referring to
>> System III, not 32V.
> I am also pretty certain that it was widely stated at the time
> that the UCB's license was the older Western Electric license,
> which is the same license which allowed Lyon's to publish his
> commentary, legally, including the kernel source code.

I suppose you mean John Lions.  He got into a lot of trouble for that,
and I doubt he would have got away with it in the USA.

> While the university, proper, did obtain a more modern license, that
> license could not be retroactive to change the terms of the original
> license.

Which university are you talking about?  UCB or UNSW?

> The original licenses were very lenient in their terms, since, at
> the time, the 1956 consent decreee prohibited them from making money
> from software sales, as part of their being a regulated monopoly at
> the time.  It was only later, after the breakup, that they were
> permitted to profit from sales of their software.  And that's when
> license fees went up.

There's a difference between fees and conditions.

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