prospects for DMA support for SiS962(L) Southbridge?

Rich Morin rdm at
Tue Jun 17 10:01:36 PDT 2003

I recently upgraded my motherboard and CPU, as:

   478 pin Celeron; 2.1 GHz
   512 MB DDR DIMM (2 ea.)
   SiS962(L) Southbridge

I then found that I couldn't boot the (FreeBSD 4.7) system, getting:

   ad0: READ command timeout tag=0 serv=0 resetting
   ata0: resetting devices

After a bunch of Googling and some discussions on freebsd-questions,
I decided to change line 90 of /usr/src/sys/dev/ataata-disk.c to:

     static int ata_dma = 0;

This works, but I suspect that it is slowing down my disk I/O quite a
bit.  So, I would like to know the prospects for this controller being
supported in FreeBSD any time soon.


P.S.  I have been told that I should be able to boot from a PCI-based
       EIDE card, but I am not familiar with the (AMI)BIOS.  If you can
       supply me with specific instructions, I would be MOST grateful.
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