cookie size...

Dan Nelson dnelson at
Tue Jul 1 12:12:55 PDT 2003

In the last episode (Jul 01), omestre at said:
> Do you know how can i make the cookies (FreeBSD 5.x) size linux
> compatible? I have FreeBSD machines (5.x), NFS clients of a NFS linux
> server... and the locks do not work. The server reports the
> incompatible cookie size for lock requests... (in 4.x works).
>  So, i want recompile the software in question ( i don't know what)
> :), and make it 8 bytes in size.

You asked this back in April :)  I pointed you to the places in the
FreeBSD kernel you had to change.

It'd be easier if Linux would just follow the NFS spec, though. has the following

   *  NLM cookies. Technically they can be 1K, Nobody uses over 8 bytes
   *  however.

	Dan Nelson
	dnelson at

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