Unprobed PCI bus on VXPro II chipset

Sean Welch welchsm at earthlink.net
Fri Dec 26 09:44:07 PST 2003

5.x is okay by me, but I'll have to reinstall it.

I'm trying out the change you asked me to under 4.9-RELEASE
right now; the machine is pretty slow so it takes a bit over an
hour to recompile the kernel.  My responses are going to be
pretty slow.  ;-)

I've noticed that scanpci seems a tad confused at times. 
It seems that the first time I run it it tells me that there
are no pci devices.  The other times it gives me a listing.

At any rate, the output is:

pci bus 0x0000 cardnum 0x05 function 0x00: vendor 0x3388 device 0x8011
 Hint Corp VXPro II Chipset
  STATUS    0x24a0  COMMAND 0x0007
  CLASS     0x06 0x00 0x00  REVISION 0x00
  BIST      0x00  HEADER 0x80  LATENCY 0x40  CACHE 0x00

pci bus 0x0000 cardnum 0x05 function 0x01: vendor 0x3388 device 0x8012
 Hint Corp VXPro II Chipset
  STATUS    0x24a0  COMMAND 0x0007
  CLASS     0x06 0x01 0x00  REVISION 0x00
  BIST      0x00  HEADER 0x80  LATENCY 0x40  CACHE 0x00

pci bus 0x0000 cardnum 0x05 function 0x02: vendor 0x3388 device 0x8013
 Hint Corp VXPro II IDE
  STATUS    0x0380  COMMAND 0x0001
  CLASS     0x01 0x01 0x00  REVISION 0x00
  BIST      0x00  HEADER 0x00  LATENCY 0x00  CACHE 0x00

pci bus 0x0000 cardnum 0x08 function 0x00: vendor 0x109e device 0x036e
 Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Video Capture
 CardVendor 0x0070 card 0x13eb (Hauppauge computer works Inc. WinTV Series)
  STATUS    0x0280  COMMAND 0x0106
  CLASS     0x04 0x00 0x00  REVISION 0x02
  BIST      0x00  HEADER 0x80  LATENCY 0x40  CACHE 0x00
  BASE0     0xffafe008  addr 0xffafe000  MEM PREFETCHABLE
  MAX_LAT   0x28  MIN_GNT 0x10  INT_PIN 0x01  INT_LINE 0x09

pci bus 0x0000 cardnum 0x08 function 0x01: vendor 0x109e device 0x0878
 Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Audio Capture
 CardVendor 0x0070 card 0x13eb (Hauppauge computer works Inc. WinTV Series)
  STATUS    0x0280  COMMAND 0x0106
  CLASS     0x04 0x80 0x00  REVISION 0x02
  BIST      0x00  HEADER 0x80  LATENCY 0x40  CACHE 0x00
  BASE0     0xffaff008  addr 0xffaff000  MEM PREFETCHABLE
  MAX_LAT   0xff  MIN_GNT 0x04  INT_PIN 0x01  INT_LINE 0x09

pci bus 0x0000 cardnum 0x09 function 0x00: vendor 0x1106 device 0x3038
 VIA Technologies, Inc. USB
 CardVendor 0x0925 card 0x1234 (VIA Technologies, Inc. (Wrong ID) USB Controller
  STATUS    0x4200  COMMAND 0x0117
  CLASS     0x0c 0x03 0x00  REVISION 0x04
  BIST      0x00  HEADER 0x00  LATENCY 0x40  CACHE 0x08
  BASE4     0x0000ef81  addr 0x0000ef80  I/O
  MAX_LAT   0x00  MIN_GNT 0x00  INT_PIN 0x01  INT_LINE 0x0b

pci bus 0x0000 cardnum 0x0a function 0x00: vendor 0x5333 device 0x8901
 S3 Inc. 86c775/86c785 [Trio 64V2/DX or /GX]
  STATUS    0x0200  COMMAND 0x0003
  CLASS     0x03 0x00 0x00  REVISION 0x16
  BIST      0x00  HEADER 0x00  LATENCY 0x00  CACHE 0x00
  BASE0     0xec000000  addr 0xec000000  MEM
  BASEROM   0xebff0000  addr 0xebff0000  not-decode-enabled
  MAX_LAT   0x00  MIN_GNT 0x00  INT_PIN 0x01  INT_LINE 0x00

I hope that helps to some degree.  Anything else I can provide immediately?


-----Original Message-----
From: John Baldwin <jhb at FreeBSD.org>
Sent: Dec 26, 2003 9:00 AM
To: Sean Welch <Sean_Welch at alum.wofford.org>
Cc: freebsd-hackers at FreeBSD.org
Subject: RE: Unprobed PCI bus on VXPro II chipset

On 24-Dec-2003 Sean Welch wrote:
> As I'm not quite sure where I should be asking for help with this I figured
> I'd try shooting the info over to freebsd-hackers (as it seemed the closest
> match).
> I've got an oldish machine (EDO RAM and such) running a VXPro II chipset.
> I have successfully configured FreeBSD from 2.2.8 up to 5-CURRENT to run
> on this thing but I've never managed to get it to probe and attach anything
> on the PCI bus.  Here's what I've found and what I've tried.
> I believe the motherboard was sold as PCChips kit.  Looking up the stats
> I find that it was a rebrand of Hint Co. hardware.  The PCI IDs are actually
> listed in /usr/share/misc/pci_vendors and look like this:
> 3388    Hint Corp.
>         0020    HB6 UNIVERSAL PCI-PCI BRIDGE
>         0021    HB1-SE33 PCI-to-PCI Bridge
>         8011    VXPro II Chipset CPU to PCI Bridge
>         8012    VXPro II Chipset PCI to ISA Bridge
>         8013    VXPro II Chipset EIDE Controller
> I found a commit notice online to the linux kernel that contained these 
> same IDs so it looks like the complete string should be "33880020", 
> "33880021", etc.  I also managed to find this message from *long* 
> ago:
> http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&threadm=Pine.BSF.3.96.990120135600.282
> 21A-100000_gate1.ilhadamagia.com.br%40ns.sol.net&rnum=5&prev=/groups%3Fhl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-
> 8%26oe%3DUTF-8%26q%3Dfreebsd%2Bvxpro%26btnG%3DGoogle%2BSearch
> I'm currently running 4.9-RELEASE.  The uname -a output is:
> FreeBSD  4.9-RELEASE FreeBSD 4.9-RELEASE #5: Tue Oct 14 11:51:28 CDT 2003
> root@:/usr/src/sys/compile/WARPPHYS  i386

What I'd like to do is get 5.x working first and then MFC the fix if that is ok.

> Poking around I discovered that pcibus.c no longer contains the code
> referenced in the above message (but that didn't stop me).  I found
> it instead in pci_cfgreg.c and tried adding the explicit set of oldval1 to
> zero but no joy.  I ended up adding the PCI IDs to both
> /usr/src/sys/i386/isa/pcibus.c and also /usr/src/sys/pci/pcisupport.c
> in the effort to get the chipset recognized.  No go.
> When I boot verbose this is all I can get about the PCI bus:
> pci_open(1):    mode 1 addr port (0x0cf8) is 0x0000ff00
> pci_open(1a):   mode1res=0x00000000 (0x80000000)
> pci_open(1b):   mode1res=0x00007020 (0xff000001)
> pci_open(2):    mode 2 enable port (0x0cf8) is 0xff

Well, your BIOS seems to be broken.  Maybe.  Can you send me the output
of scanpci -v?  I'm curious what method it uses to access PCI config space.
Also, can you try this change:

Index: pci_cfgreg.c
RCS file: /usr/cvs/src/sys/i386/pci/pci_cfgreg.c,v
retrieving revision 1.107
diff -u -r1.107 pci_cfgreg.c
--- pci_cfgreg.c        3 Nov 2003 21:53:38 -0000       1.107
+++ pci_cfgreg.c        26 Dec 2003 16:38:13 -0000
@@ -732,7 +732,7 @@
                devmax = 32;

                outl(CONF1_ADDR_PORT, CONF1_ENABLE_CHK);
-               outb(CONF1_ADDR_PORT + 3, 0);
+               DELAY(1);
                mode1res = inl(CONF1_ADDR_PORT);
                outl(CONF1_ADDR_PORT, oldval1);

All accesses to CONF1_ADDR_PORT and friends are supposed to be
using inl and outl.


John Baldwin <jhb at FreeBSD.org>  <><  http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve!"  -  http://www.FreeBSD.org/

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