Power consumption in desktop computers

M. Warner Losh imp at bsdimp.com
Fri Dec 26 07:28:34 PST 2003

In message: <3FEBF0EF.2050001 at pacific.net.sg>
            Erich Dollansky <oceanare at pacific.net.sg> writes:
: Do you know if FreeBSD 5.2 runs on a Transmeta CPU with support of 
: the power options? My notebook is the Fujitsu P2120.

I know that it works great.  My FIVA with a Transmeta works great, and
I can set the power to one of 8 steps.  At the lowest power setting,
things work fairly well, but very slowly.  It sips the power there (I
get like 15 hours of battery life with my monster battery).


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