boot2 broken ? (booting from pst fails)

"." at "." at
Mon Apr 14 15:31:24 PDT 2003

> But here's the point: people buy PC hardware because it's cheap. Guess why
Some people buy PC hardware because of freedom
in select of it.
Compare to Mac.

> it's cheap. If i had the money to buy a sun with a comparable system with
> raid, do you think i'd hang around with a PC ? Or for that matter with
Your freedom with Sun is more more restricted.

> a clone of forth in loader if i can have real open boot prom where i can
> read and change the forth initialization routines of add-on cards instead
> of having to hope that the binary BIOS oroutines f some PC cards is compatible
> with the motherboard BIOS ? Heck, i had to return two motherboards because
> they couldn't initialize raid, scsi and firewire being in the system at
> the same time.
> In a cheesy hardware environment like PC the right thing to do is to
> minimize the expectations on what that stuff can do, especially the BIOS.
The world is as bad as you allow it to be...

> You don't have to be better on this than the competition (linux, *bsd, windows),
> but you shouldn't be much more expectant. *BSDs strong point has always been
> to be architecturally and implementation wise more advanced than Linux. Raising
> the bar for hardware is NOT compliant with that goal if you ask me.
Sorry my English is bad.

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