ports and /var/db/pkg
Peter Pentchev
roam at ringlet.net
Fri Apr 4 05:22:50 PST 2003
On Fri, Apr 04, 2003 at 04:14:19PM +0300, Peter Pentchev wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 04, 2003 at 02:11:58PM +0300, Danny Braniss wrote:
> >
> > > > ok, so i wrote a small script (tcl, since i don't know perl), that
> > > > does some checking, it reports for each package, the number of files
> > > > how many are realy there, and if so, checks the MD5.
> > > >
> > > > now, if im not to far off, if some/all files are missing, or if the
> > > > md5 does not match, i should be able to remove the package info, ...
> > >
> > > Well, that's not what you were asking for originally, and tools
> > > already exist to check that.
> >
> > OK, let me refrase it
> >
> > how to update /var/db/pkg, when it knows too much,
> > i.e. /usr/local has less stuff that /var/db/pkg knows about.
> >
> > >
> > > e.g. pkg_info -g and the example from the pkg_which(1) manpage that I
> > > mentioned to you in a previous email.
> >
> > i read most of the pkg*, and though im very impressed, i fail to find a
> > clear/easy way to get a one line output saying:
> > pkg xyz no longer exits, can be removed from database
> If you are only interested in packages which no longer have *any* files
> on the filesystem, then compare the output of the following two
> commands:
> pkg_info -qL package | wc -l
> pkg_info -qg package | wc -l
> If the output of those two commands is the same, then there are no valid
> package files left at all, and a pkg_delete -f is in order.
> Moreover, if you are only interested in the existence of the files, it
> would be easier to do something like:
> remove=1
> pkg_info -qL package | while read fname; do
> [ -f "$fname" ] && remove=0
> done
> if [ $remove == "1" ]; then pkg_delete package; fi
Just one more comment: the reason I stick to pkg_delete -f instead
of rm -rf /var/db/pkg/package is that the /var/db/pkg scheme is not
really set in stone: the correct way to manipulate the package database
is *only* via the pkg_* tools. Well, there is something to be said
about the tools available in ports/sysutils/portupgrade, but then,
they are actively maintained by knu, who will most probably track any
changes in the base system handling of packages, if and when those
should occur.
Peter Pentchev roam at ringlet.net roam at sbnd.net roam at FreeBSD.org
PGP key: http://people.FreeBSD.org/~roam/roam.key.asc
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Hey, out there - is it *you* reading me, or is it someone else?
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