Announcing a Vinum mailing list

Greg 'groggy' Lehey grog at
Thu Apr 3 21:53:38 PST 2003

I've been neglecting Vinum for some time now: I have been very busy.

Times are now changing, and I hope to have time to work on Vinum in
the near future.  To start off, I have created a mailing list
vinum-devel at  I invite you to sign up: send a message to 
majordomo at with the text 'subscribe vinum-devel' if you're

There are a number of things to do:

1.  We have a Sourceforge project (at least in name),  There's nothing on the
    site, and we need somebody to set it up and put a CVS tree there.

2.  Atul Kabra, Ramsubramanyam and Shajid Thirvuthodi have ported
    Vinum to NetBSD.  I have the sources, but I haven't done anything
    with them yet.  I know that others of you are also interested in
    this project; we should discuss it on the list.

3.  There's also interest in Vinum on OpenBSD and Linux.  I'd assume
    that there isn't much work involved in adapting the NetBSD port to
    OpenBSD.  Linux is definitely a different matter.

I hope to see you on the list soon.

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