HEADS UP: OpenEXR 3.0.1 has landed, with graphics/ilmbase replaced by math/Imath 3.0.1
Matthias Andree
mandree at FreeBSD.org
Mon Apr 12 00:51:11 UTC 2021
Dear co-maintainers,
I have committed an OpenEXR 3.0.1 + Imath 3.0.1 update and removed
graphics/ilmbase, with MOVED entry.
I have patched all your ports so they compile with the new header
layout, Int64 type gone and especially the cmake rigging was in a woeful
and diverse state, with every package doing things a little bit
differently. There were occasional port upgrades where the upstreams had
already added OpenEXR 3.0.1 support. See ports/UPDATING for details.
Let me know if anything went wrong.
The relevant Git commit hash range is 0ee9911e8c93..9ab14902a134.
Release notes (please read 3.0.1, 3.0.1-beta, 3.0.0-beta):
Affected ports, by origin:
cad/PrusaSlicer teodorsigaev at gmail.com
devel/kf5-extra-cmake-modules kde at FreeBSD.org
devel/kio-extras kde at FreeBSD.org
devel/synfig woodsb02 at FreeBSD.org
editors/calligra kde at FreeBSD.org
graphics/alembic danfe at FreeBSD.org
graphics/ampasCTL ports at FreeBSD.org
graphics/appleseed danfe at FreeBSD.org
graphics/blender FreeBSD at Shaneware.biz
graphics/cimg thierry at FreeBSD.org
graphics/darktable dumbbell at FreeBSD.org
graphics/devil amdmi3 at FreeBSD.org
graphics/enblend grog at FreeBSD.org
graphics/exrtools ehaupt at FreeBSD.org
graphics/fyre ports at FreeBSD.org
graphics/gdal sunpoet at FreeBSD.org
graphics/gegl gnome at FreeBSD.org
graphics/gimp-app gnome at FreeBSD.org
graphics/gimp-gmic-plugin rm at FreeBSD.org
graphics/gmic yuri at FreeBSD.org
graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-openexr multimedia at FreeBSD.org
graphics/hdr_tools danfe at FreeBSD.org
graphics/hugin grog at FreeBSD.org
graphics/ilmbase DELETED (mandree at FreeBSD.org)
graphics/ImageMagick6 kwm at FreeBSD.org
graphics/ImageMagick7 kwm at FreeBSD.org
graphics/jpeg-xl jbeich at FreeBSD.org
graphics/kf5-kimageformats kde at FreeBSD.org
graphics/krita kde at FreeBSD.org
graphics/luminance-qt5 h2+fbsdports at fsfe.org
graphics/nvidia-texture-tools amdmi3 at FreeBSD.org
graphics/ogre3d oliver at FreeBSD.org
graphics/opencv tcberner at FreeBSD.org
graphics/openexr mandree at FreeBSD.org
graphics/openimageio FreeBSD at Shaneware.biz
graphics/openshadinglanguage FreeBSD at Shaneware.biz
graphics/osg amdmi3 at FreeBSD.org
graphics/osg34 amdmi3 at FreeBSD.org
graphics/pfstools fbsd at any.com.ru
graphics/photoflow yuri at FreeBSD.org
graphics/pixie ports at FreeBSD.org
graphics/povray37 ports at FreeBSD.org
graphics/py-openimageio FreeBSD at Shaneware.biz
graphics/simpleviewer danfe at FreeBSD.org
graphics/synfigstudio woodsb02 at FreeBSD.org
graphics/vigra ports at FreeBSD.org
graphics/vips danilo at FreeBSD.org
graphics/yafaray yuri at FreeBSD.org
math/curv yuri at FreeBSD.org
math/Imath mandree at FreeBSD.org
misc/openvdb yuri at FreeBSD.org
multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins multimedia at FreeBSD.org
and by maintainer:
amdmi3 at FreeBSD.org graphics/devil
amdmi3 at FreeBSD.org graphics/nvidia-texture-tools
amdmi3 at FreeBSD.org graphics/osg
amdmi3 at FreeBSD.org graphics/osg34
danfe at FreeBSD.org graphics/alembic
danfe at FreeBSD.org graphics/appleseed
danfe at FreeBSD.org graphics/hdr_tools
danfe at FreeBSD.org graphics/simpleviewer
danilo at FreeBSD.org graphics/vips
dumbbell at FreeBSD.org graphics/darktable
ehaupt at FreeBSD.org graphics/exrtools
fbsd at any.com.ru graphics/pfstools
FreeBSD at Shaneware.biz graphics/blender
FreeBSD at Shaneware.biz graphics/openimageio
FreeBSD at Shaneware.biz graphics/openshadinglanguage
FreeBSD at Shaneware.biz graphics/py-openimageio
gnome at FreeBSD.org graphics/gegl
gnome at FreeBSD.org graphics/gimp-app
grog at FreeBSD.org graphics/enblend
grog at FreeBSD.org graphics/hugin
h2+fbsdports at fsfe.org graphics/luminance-qt5
jbeich at FreeBSD.org graphics/jpeg-xl
kde at FreeBSD.org devel/kf5-extra-cmake-modules
kde at FreeBSD.org devel/kio-extras
kde at FreeBSD.org editors/calligra
kde at FreeBSD.org graphics/kf5-kimageformats
kde at FreeBSD.org graphics/krita
kwm at FreeBSD.org graphics/ImageMagick6
kwm at FreeBSD.org graphics/ImageMagick7
mandree at FreeBSD.org graphics/openexr
mandree at FreeBSD.org math/Imath
multimedia at FreeBSD.org graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-openexr
multimedia at FreeBSD.org multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins
oliver at FreeBSD.org graphics/ogre3d
rm at FreeBSD.org graphics/gimp-gmic-plugin
sunpoet at FreeBSD.org graphics/gdal
tcberner at FreeBSD.org graphics/opencv
teodorsigaev at gmail.com cad/PrusaSlicer
thierry at FreeBSD.org graphics/cimg
woodsb02 at FreeBSD.org devel/synfig
woodsb02 at FreeBSD.org graphics/synfigstudio
yuri at FreeBSD.org graphics/gmic
yuri at FreeBSD.org graphics/photoflow
yuri at FreeBSD.org graphics/yafaray
yuri at FreeBSD.org math/curv
yuri at FreeBSD.org misc/openvdb
ports at FreeBSD.org graphics/ampasCTL
ports at FreeBSD.org graphics/fyre
ports at FreeBSD.org graphics/pixie
ports at FreeBSD.org graphics/povray37
ports at FreeBSD.org graphics/vigra
And finally, the list of commits, indented so that Thunderbird won't
word-wrap, in commit order (I rebased and rearranged so don't wonder):
> * 05044ea01992 2021-04-10 | math/Imath: new port (replaces
> graphics/ilmbase) [Matthias Andree]
> * 398a42d37ac6 2021-04-10 | graphics/openexr: update to 3.0.1
> [Matthias Andree]
> * e9f871d1473e 2021-04-11 | UPDATING: Document OpenEXR/Imath 3.0.
> [Matthias Andree]
> * 50731b13c882 2021-04-11 | devel/kf5-extra-cmake-modules: make
> compatible with OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * c7081d550e69 2021-04-10 | graphics/alembic: update to 1.8.0_beta2 to
> make compatible with OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * f998e5176d1c 2021-04-10 | graphics/openimageio: update to
> to make compatible with OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 09382aa3f559 2021-04-10 | graphics/gegl: make compatible with
> OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 5e0d6d767e15 2021-04-10 | graphics/simpleviewer: make compatible
> with OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * f57940a456d4 2021-04-10 | graphics/openshadinglanguage: make
> compatible with OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 309ccb9a4c5f 2021-04-10 | graphics/darktable: make compatible with
> OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 0440ba7ebb75 2021-04-11 | misc/openvdb: make compatible with
> OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 136cf0c62d8b 2021-04-11 | graphics/jpeg-xl: make compatible with
> OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 581762cb8de9 2021-04-11 | graphics/yafaray: make compatible with
> OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * d5f6e8b84e88 2021-04-11 | graphics/luminance-qt5: make compatible
> with OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 04b92cf74665 2021-04-11 | graphics/kf5-kimageformats: make
> compatible with OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 2ae65f787181 2021-04-11 | graphics/blender: make compatible with
> OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * a29889b72a69 2021-04-11 | graphics/pixie: make compatible with
> OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * ebc45c65d8a0 2021-04-11 | graphics/krita: make compatible with
> OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 8043c45b3a37 2021-04-11 | graphics/ampasCTL: make compatible with
> OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 6f771bd2f7b6 2021-04-11 | devel/kio-extras: make compatible with
> OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 9afced56643d 2021-04-11 | graphics/cimg: make compatible with
> OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 8b4cc116f677 2021-04-11 | graphics/gstreamer1-plugins-openexr: make
> compatible with OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 4cb2f6041ce7 2021-04-11 | graphics/vigra: make compatible with
> OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 4c517a08f5ac 2021-04-11 | graphics/appleseed: make compatible with
> OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 447c9c7b2dc1 2021-04-11 | graphics/hugin: add LICENSE [Matthias Andree]
> * f99057b3c2e7 2021-04-11 | graphics/hugin: make compatible with
> OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 8bd75ffd8089 2021-04-11 | math/curv: make compatible with
> OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 15e60bd31eba 2021-04-11 | cad/PrusaSlicer: make compatible with
> OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 73ab07c25a09 2021-04-11 | chase library renames for OpenEXR/Imath
> 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 02ac12ab4347 2021-04-11 | graphics/pfstools: make compatible with
> OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 73ed226ab4b0 2021-04-11 | graphics/povray37: make compatible with
> OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 6c6650b787dd 2021-04-11 | graphics/ImageMagick6: make compatible
> with OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * bc5a54f73de0 2021-04-11 | graphics/ImageMagick7: make compatible
> with OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 9e2ecd86da68 2021-04-12 | graphics/osg34: make compatible with
> OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 5c6c1cc2abb6 2021-04-12 | graphics/devil: make compatible with
> OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * fd17965a3812 2021-04-12 | graphics/osg: make compatible with
> OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 0eff9817a438 2021-04-12 | graphics/ogre3d: make compatible with
> OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 [Matthias Andree]
> * 9ab14902a134 2021-04-12 | graphics/gdal: make compatible with
> OpenEXR/Imath 3.0 (HEAD -> main, origin/main, origin/HEAD) [Matthias
> Andree]
Oh, and if you fancy the git format, I have a "git hist" alias I found
somewhere on the net and find useful, this is for your git config file:
hist = log --pretty=format:'%h %ad | %s%d [%an]' --graph
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