FreeBSD Port: inkscape-1.0

Wiebe Pestman wrpestman at
Thu May 21 09:14:36 UTC 2020

Dear maintainer(s),
Yesterday I tried to install Inkscape-1.0 on my machine by compiling it 
through the ports collection.
It built well under the command "make", but it got stuck when passing 
the command "make install".
The problem seems to be a file named "default.es_MX.svg" that should 
reside in the folder


It simply was not there. I cheated the installation procedure by copying 
the file "" from this directory.
Then I renamed it into "default.es_MX.svg" and put it back. Thus, by 
running "make install", I got an installation without error messages. 
The program installed in this tricky way seems to work without problems.

My machine is equipped with the following kernel:

  FreeBSD zwaluw 12.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE r354233 GENERIC amd64

Also see the attachment.

I like FreeBSD! And I like Inkscape; I use it a lot!
Thank you for maintaining this port!

Best regards from Holland,
Wiebe Pestman

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