[Bug 228001] devel/dbus: Applications segfault due to missing machine-id after package install

bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
Sun May 6 01:05:36 UTC 2018


Tobias Kortkamp <tobik at freebsd.org> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
           Assignee|ports-bugs at FreeBSD.org      |gnome at FreeBSD.org
            Summary|[firefox] FreeBSD 11.1      |devel/dbus: Applications
                   |ships with broken Firefox:  |segfault due to missing
                   |seg-fault on start          |machine-id after package
                   |                            |install
                 CC|                            |tobik at freebsd.org

--- Comment #1 from Tobias Kortkamp <tobik at freebsd.org> ---
Over to devel/dbus maintainers.  This is a problem with how D-Bus is
packaged on FreeBSD and not a Firefox specific problem.  On OpenBSD the
dbus package will run `dbus-uuidgen --ensure` to generate the machine-id
file when it's installed so that D-Bus can work correctly out of the
box.  On FreeBSD the rc script takes care of it and you're expected to put
dbus_enable=YES into /etc/rc.conf and start D-Bus once to generate the

This is a common support problem (nightmare?) on the FreeBSD forums too [1].
Often seen when users try to install and run Xfce without having
`dbus_enable=YES` in `/etc/rc.conf`.

There would be IMHO no real downsides in putting

@postexec %%PREFIX%%/bin/dbus-uuidgen --ensure

into devel/dbus' pkg-plist on FreeBSD like on OpenBSD.

[1] https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Aforums.freebsd.org+dbus-uuidgen

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