[Bug 227761] print/freetype2: Fonts aren't correctly rendered with 2.9

bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
Fri May 4 03:33:30 UTC 2018


--- Comment #7 from lightside <lightside at gmx.com> ---
Created attachment 193039
  --> https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/attachment.cgi?id=193039&action=edit
The freetype2 debug output for ImageMagick convert program

(In reply to comment #6)
> I think, also possible to enable some debugging features
> in a FreeType 2 builds
Possible to compare debugging outputs for previous and found
75cb071b3fbfa2315c5d458fee2bb465a14568ae commit.
% fetch -o freetype2_bisect.tar.bz2
% sha256 freetype2_bisect.tar.bz2 
SHA256 (freetype2_bisect.tar.bz2) =
% mkdir bisect
% tar -xf freetype2_bisect.tar.bz2 -C bisect
% cd bisect
% fetch -o - "https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/attachment.cgi?id=193013" | tar
-xf - --include anonyme_visitenkarte.pdf
% sha256 anonyme_visitenkarte.pdf
SHA256 (anonyme_visitenkarte.pdf) =
% git clone https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/freetype/freetype2.git
% cd freetype2
% git checkout 75cb071b3fbfa2315c5d458fee2bb465a14568ae^
HEAD is now at 390048fa4 Remove deprecated comment.
% ../test.sh build
% convert --version | head -1
Version: ImageMagick 6.9.9-28 Q16 amd64 2018-04-29 http://www.imagemagick.org
% mkdir -p ../output/prev
% git show -s --format="# %s%n#
75cb071b3fbfa2315c5d458fee2bb465a14568ae^ > ../output/prev/commit.txt
% seq 5 | xargs -I {} -L 1 env FT2_DEBUG="any:{}"
LD_PRELOAD=./objs/.libs/libfreetype.so sh -c "convert -append
../anonyme_visitenkarte.pdf image.jpg 2>&1 | tee ../output/prev/{}.txt"
% ../test.sh clean
% git checkout 75cb071b3fbfa2315c5d458fee2bb465a14568ae
Previous HEAD position was 390048fa4 Remove deprecated comment.
HEAD is now at 75cb071b3 [sfnt] Synthesize a Unicode charmap if one is missing.
% ../test.sh build
% mkdir -p ../output/found
% git show -s --format="# %s%n#
75cb071b3fbfa2315c5d458fee2bb465a14568ae > ../output/found/commit.txt
% seq 5 | xargs -I {} -L 1 env FT2_DEBUG="any:{}"
LD_PRELOAD=./objs/.libs/libfreetype.so sh -c "convert -append
../anonyme_visitenkarte.pdf image.jpg 2>&1 | tee ../output/found/{}.txt"
% ../test.sh clean
% git checkout master

Attached archive with output results for various debugging levels (from 1 to
5), which possible to compare with using diff (or other) command:
% diff -ruNd prev found > result.diff

The question is how to interpret such results and find related changes in the
source code.
The first guess was about FT_CONFIG_OPTION_POSTSCRIPT_NAMES define (see comment

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