[Bug 203065] x11-xm/xfce4: xfce4 under 9.3. Cannot create launcher

bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
Fri Sep 18 11:24:42 UTC 2015


--- Comment #2 from MMacD <scratch65535 at att.net> ---

I apologise for not replying more quickly--I've been offline. 

The glib version is 2.44.2_1 on both newly updated systems.

Fooling around, I've been able to create a launcher on the desktop in the usual
way (right clicking the mouse, etc).  But it's a little broken:  the desktop
complains that the launcher is untrusted and doesn't have the x bit set.  But
it will let me set the bit and then copy the launcher to a panel, which is
kludgy but works.  The desktop remains confused, though, requiring a reboot
before new launcher icons appear or deleted ones go away.

Altho I can create a launcher for xpdf and pass it the handbook on the
launcher's command line, there's something broken about the result.  When I try
to run it, it loads for a moment but immediately goes away.  There doesn't seem
to be a message in the window, and I can call "xpdf ~/fBSD_hbook.pdf" by hand
in a terminal, so I don't know what's going on with that.  I'm still 

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