desktop Trash icon not working on MATE 1.10.2

Kevin Oberman rkoberman at
Tue Nov 3 06:54:59 UTC 2015

On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 8:42 PM, DWL via freebsd-gnome <
freebsd-gnome at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been trying to locate information about a bug related to the Subject.
> I've searched the FreeBSD website and forums to no avail. I came across
> this e-mail address in the hope that someone can point me in the right
> direction.
> I'm using MATE 1.10.2, which is an alias for GNOME 2 so far as I can tell.
> I'm using FreeBSD 10.2--actually, PC-BSD's implementation of FreeBSD 10.2.
> Bottom line is, when I switched to 10.2 from 10.1, the desktop trash icon
> stopped working. It doesn't show when there are files in the trash. It also
> doesn't empty the trash folders. When I display the file path for the trash
> in Caja, it shows "trash:///". That's not a valid pathname, so I don't know
> what to make of it.
> Any ideas how to fix this, or whom I should talk to in order to get it
> fixed?
> Thanks,
> dan

It was previously reported on this list and I confirmed it. I would suggest
that you file a bug report ( for this.
(I'd do it, but I am in the middle of moving and probably won't get to it
any time soon.)
Kevin Oberman, Part time kid herder and retired Network Engineer
E-mail: rkoberman at
PGP Fingerprint: D03FB98AFA78E3B78C1694B318AB39EF1B055683

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