Issues with Graphviz when installing Gimp on Freebsd 10

Hakim Benoudjit h.benoudjit at
Fri Feb 20 17:39:59 UTC 2015

Hi there,

I'm using *Freebsd 10.0-RELEASE*, and I have issues installing *gimp* on
*freebsd* using *pkg* command.
When I do a `*pkg install gimp*`, it's stuck when trying to install
*graphviz* with the following error:

*Error: /usr/local/lib/graphviz/config6 is zero sized, or other read
error.Warning: Could not load "*/usr/local/lib/graphviz/*" - file not found*

*/usr/local/lib/graphviz/config6 *is in fact empty but
*does exist and is a symbolic link to an existent file.
Trying to install *graphviz* would throw the same error.

Does anybody know a solution to this problem?

Best regards,
Hakim Benoudjit

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