Ports with a broken PKGORIGIN: deskutils/nemo-extensions, irc/p...
erwin at FreeBSD.org
erwin at FreeBSD.org
Wed Nov 19 12:47:46 UTC 2014
** The following ports have an incorrect PKGORIGIN **
PKGORIGIN connects packaged or installed ports to the directory they
originated from. This is essential for tools like pkg_version or
portupgrade to work correctly. Wrong PKGORIGINs are often caused by a
wrong order of CATEGORIES after a repocopy.
Please fix any errors as soon as possible.
The ports tree was updated at Wed Nov 19 2014 12:35:26 UTC.
- *deskutils/nemo-extensions* <gustau.perez at gmail.com>: x11-fm/nemo-extensions
- *irc/polari* <gnome at FreeBSD.org>: deskutils/polari
- *mail/geary* <gnome at FreeBSD.org>: deskutils/geary
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