ports/188856: devel/py-gobject3 doesn't install on powerpc64

Mark Millard markmigm at gmail.com
Fri May 16 16:40:01 UTC 2014

The following reply was made to PR ports/188856; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Mark Millard <markmigm at gmail.com>
To: bug-followup at FreeBSD.org
Subject: Re: ports/188856: devel/py-gobject3 doesn't install on
Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 09:39:16 -0700

 (This is an extension to a prior note. But this written to largely stand on its own given the original defect report. This adds the relationship to uname -m vs. -p.)
 For the py-gobject3 configure file's
 PLATFORM=`$PYTHON -c "import sys; from distutils import util; sys.stdout.write(util.get_platform())"`
 the result corresponds to uname -m (i.e., powerpc): the so-called "hardware plaform" in uname terminology. util.get_platform(), os.uname()[4], and platform.machine() all result in just "powerpc" (unname -m result) as stands.
 The result during portmaster is a "....egg-info" file name based on PLATFORM that disagrees with the later check for the file's existence. (But PLATFORM has other uses as well and some may be correct ones for all I know.)
 The lstat "....egg-info" file path reported as missing corresponds to uname -p (i.e., powerpc64): the so-called "machine processor architecture" in uname terminology.
 I do not know if the 3 python calls are returning correct results for python's intent or not. But I would expect that py-gobject3's file naming for the "....egg-info" file reported as missing should be using uname -p style text in the file name in order to fit correctly in the overall ports environment.
 Mark Millard <markmigm at gmail.com>

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