ports/189686: mail/evolution produces backups that are not imported succesfully

Sean Bruno sbruno at ignoranthack.me
Sun May 11 22:10:01 UTC 2014

The following reply was made to PR ports/189686; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Sean Bruno <sbruno at ignoranthack.me>
To: bug-followup at FreeBSD.org
Subject: Re: ports/189686: mail/evolution produces backups that are not
 imported succesfully
Date: Sun, 11 May 2014 22:06:03 -0700

 Actually, here is what I found needs to be tar'd up and restored:
 But .gconf/apps/evolution seems to get overwritten by the active gconfd
 service, so you have to exit out of your X session completely, alt-f1 to
 a console, login and kill gconf completely before restoring all the

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