nautilus eating 1 CPU and doing lots of I/O
Kevin Oberman
rkoberman at
Wed Mar 20 18:30:36 UTC 2013
On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 9:37 AM, Jeremy Messenger
<mezz.freebsd at> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 11:24 AM, Kevin Oberman <rkoberman at> wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 9:04 AM, Jeremy Messenger
>> <mezz.freebsd at> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 10:24 AM, Jeremy Messenger
>>> <mezz.freebsd at> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 1:13 AM, Kevin Oberman <rkoberman at> wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 10:03 PM, Kevin Oberman <rkoberman at> wrote:
>>>>>> Since I updated nautilus a few days ago I am seeing very odd behavior.
>>>>>> When I open a nautilus window, I see my CPUs at 20-25% load, mostly in nautilus. I/O jumps from near zero to several MBps,. It varies in the ones I tried between 4 and 16 MBps depending on the number of files (not folders). ktrace shows lots of reads returning "Resource temporarily unavailable". I also note that most of my thumbnails are not showing up, just the generic icons for the file type. I'm guessing some issue with finding, loading or generating the thumbnails.
>>>>>> I have no idea what to look for to provide any real data or to track this.
>>>>> I just noticed this post to ports@ made earlier today pointing out the
>>>>> problem, but not a good solution.
>>>>> :
>>>>> Sergio de Almeida Lenzi Tue, 19 Mar 2013 12:42:16 -0700
>>>>> Hello,,
>>>>> On update ports via svn from 2013-03-10 to today,
>>>>> after a portmaster -a, the system (gnome2)
>>>>> stopped to show any thumbnails..
>>>>> The main reason is that it writes the thumbnail
>>>>> in .thumbnails/normal/xxxxxxx.png
>>>>> but than tries to read it from .cache/thumbnails/normal/xxxxxxxxx.png
>>>>> Can some "nautilus guru" tell me how to fix this???
>>>>> for now I create a liink in the .cache/thumbnails -> ./thumbnails this
>>>>> works
>>>>> but is not a solution...
>>>> That is very weird problem. Gotta figure where the .cache is at one of
>>>> port. Must be one of kwm's recently update.
>>> Found it, it's related with the glib20 update. See here:
>>> I found it from in its NEWS, it's in the "Overview of changes from
>>> GLib 2.33.2 to 2.33.3" section.
>>> It looks like we will have to search for a better solution. By either
>>> patch in GNOME 2 stuff or patch in glib20 to make it fallback
>>> (compatible). The developer will not create a fallback for old stuff's
>>> sake.
>> Sigh. So some apps are still assuming .thumbnails and glib has moved
> Which apps? Add patch in gnome-desktop should take care if other apps
> are depend on gnome-desktop.
OK. I don't know enough of Gnome 2 organization to know that, so it's pretty
>> to 'doing the right thing" but not allowed for apps that don't yet
>> know it. For nautilus it creates an endless loop of looking for the
>> thumbnail in A, not finding it, calling the routines to create a new
>> thumbnail which puts it in B, and then repeats forever. The CPU is
>> eaten and I/O generated in making new thumbs continually.
>> What all creates the thumbnails? If it is a single place that contains
>> the location, it's not too much to fix, but finding it could be
>> tricky. I'm hunting for it now in header files but there are a LOT of
>> them that contain "thumbnails" and I have just started looking.
>> For now I'm taking the easy way out by creating a symlink as Sergio
>> suggested. Not the right answer, I know, but it should work. I'm also
>> copying him as he posted to ports and may not read gnome at .
> Please try by put
> it in the x11/gnome-desktop/files/ then reinstall it. Remove the
> symlink.
No symlink and the thumbs are generated and CPU and I/O are normal. Looks good!
Looks ready to commit.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
E-mail: rkoberman at
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