nautilus eating 1 CPU and doing lots of I/O

Kevin Oberman rkoberman at
Wed Mar 20 16:30:41 UTC 2013

On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 9:04 AM, Jeremy Messenger
<mezz.freebsd at> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 10:24 AM, Jeremy Messenger
> <mezz.freebsd at> wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 1:13 AM, Kevin Oberman <rkoberman at> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 10:03 PM, Kevin Oberman <rkoberman at> wrote:
>>>> Since I updated nautilus a few days ago I am seeing very odd behavior.
>>>> When I open a nautilus window, I see my CPUs at 20-25% load, mostly in nautilus. I/O jumps from near zero to several MBps,. It varies in the ones I tried between 4 and 16 MBps depending on the number of files (not folders). ktrace shows lots of reads returning "Resource temporarily unavailable". I also note that most of my thumbnails are not showing up, just the generic icons for the file type. I'm guessing some issue with finding, loading or generating the thumbnails.
>>>> I have no idea what to look for to provide any real data or to track this.
>>> I just noticed this post to ports@ made earlier today pointing out the
>>> problem, but not a good solution.
>>> :
>>> Sergio de Almeida Lenzi Tue, 19 Mar 2013 12:42:16 -0700
>>> Hello,,
>>> On update ports via svn from 2013-03-10 to today,
>>> after a portmaster -a, the system (gnome2)
>>> stopped to show any thumbnails..
>>> The main reason is that it writes the thumbnail
>>> in .thumbnails/normal/xxxxxxx.png
>>> but than tries to read it from .cache/thumbnails/normal/xxxxxxxxx.png
>>> Can some "nautilus guru"  tell me how to fix this???
>>> for now I create a liink in the .cache/thumbnails -> ./thumbnails  this
>>> works
>>> but is not a solution...
>> That is very weird problem. Gotta figure where the .cache is at one of
>> port. Must be one of kwm's recently update.
> Found it, it's related with the glib20 update. See here:
> I found it from in its NEWS, it's in the "Overview of changes from
> GLib 2.33.2 to 2.33.3" section.
> It looks like we will have to search for a better solution. By either
> patch in GNOME 2 stuff or patch in glib20 to make it fallback
> (compatible). The developer will not create a fallback for old stuff's
> sake.

Sigh. So some apps are still assuming .thumbnails and glib has moved
to 'doing the right thing" but not allowed for apps that don't yet
know it. For nautilus it creates an endless loop of looking for the
thumbnail in A, not finding it, calling the routines to create a new
thumbnail which puts it in B, and then repeats forever. The CPU is
eaten and I/O generated in making new thumbs continually.

What all creates the thumbnails? If it is a single place that contains
the location, it's not too much to fix, but finding it could be
tricky. I'm hunting for it now in header files but there are a LOT of
them that contain "thumbnails" and I have just started looking.

For now I'm taking the easy way out by creating a symlink as Sergio
suggested. Not the right answer, I know, but it should work. I'm also
copying him as he posted to ports and may not read gnome at .
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
E-mail: rkoberman at

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