graphics/gegl 0.1.8 does not build

Rainer Hurling rhurlin at
Sat Jan 26 18:00:13 UTC 2013

Sorry for answering myself. (more below, please)

On 26.01.2013 16:38 (UTC+2), Rainer Hurling wrote:
> Trying to build graphics/gegl on 10.0-CURRENT (amd64; both, clang or
> gcc), I get the following breakage:
> [..snip..]
> GEGL_SWAP=RAM GEGL_PATH=../operations \
> ../tools/introspect > class-hierarchy.html
> mkdir -p images
> ../tools/gobj2dot.rb .. | /usr/local/bin/dot png > images/inheritance.png
> Error: dot: can't open png
> Failed to parse ../operations/workshop/max-rgb.c, probably invalid utf8
> gmake[3]: *** [images/inheritance.png] Fehler 2
> gmake[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/ports/graphics/gegl/work/gegl-0.1.8/docs'
> gmake[2]: *** [all-recursive] Fehler 1
> gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/ports/graphics/gegl/work/gegl-0.1.8/docs'
> gmake[1]: *** [all-recursive] Fehler 1
> gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/ports/graphics/gegl/work/gegl-0.1.8'
> gmake: *** [all] Fehler 2
> *** [do-build] Error code 1

I just recognized (thanks to David), that the 'real' first error is not
a problem with utf8 conversion, but in

../tools/gobj2dot.rb .. | /usr/local/bin/dot png > images/inheritance.png
Error: dot: can't open png

> It seems, that the main problem is with operations/workshop/max-rgb.c,
> which needs to be converted into utf8. After doing
>   cd operations/workshop
>   cp -p max-rgb.c max-rgb.c.orig
>   iconv -f iso8859-1 -t utf-8 max-rgb.c.orig > max-rgb.c
> it builds fine.  (Hope, this is not totally nonsense in this context)

This error occurs when calling '../tools/gobj2dot.rb ..' and does not
happen when operations/workshop/max-rgb.c is utf8 coded.

It is interesting, that running 'make' twice (without converting
max-rgb.c into utf8!) seems to complete the build.

Am I right in assuming that it is not necessary anymore to patch
tools/gobj2dot.rb by the ports Makefile?

Unfortunately my skills are not sufficient to step deeper into it.

> Some of the files in operations/workshop are ASCII text coded, one
> ISO-8859 text and the rest UTF-8 Unicode text. Is it intended?
> #file *
> box-max.c:            C source, UTF-8 Unicode text
> box-min.c:            C source, UTF-8 Unicode text
> box-percentile.c:     C source, UTF-8 Unicode text
> color-reduction.c:    C source, ASCII text
> color-rotate.c:       C source, ASCII text
> color-to-alpha.c:     C source, ASCII text
> convolution-matrix.c: C source, ASCII text
> cubism.c:             C source, ASCII text
> deinterlace.c:        C source, ASCII text
> demosaic-bimedian.c:  C source, UTF-8 Unicode text
> demosaic-simple.c:    C source, UTF-8 Unicode text
> disc-percentile.c:    C source, UTF-8 Unicode text
> ditto.c:              C source, UTF-8 Unicode text
> emboss.c:             C source, ASCII text
> fractal-trace.c:      C source, ASCII text
> hstack.c:             C source, UTF-8 Unicode text
> kuwahara-max.c:       C source, UTF-8 Unicode text
> kuwahara-min.c:       C source, UTF-8 Unicode text
> kuwahara.c:           C source, UTF-8 Unicode text
> lens-distortion.c:    C source, ASCII text
> linear-gradient.c:    C source, UTF-8 Unicode text
> mandelbrot.c:         C source, UTF-8 Unicode text
> max-rgb.c:            C source, ISO-8859 text
> noise-spread.c:       C source, ASCII text
> plasma.c:             C source, ASCII text
> polar-coordinates.c:  C source, ASCII text
> posterize.c:          C source, UTF-8 Unicode text
> radial-gradient.c:    C source, UTF-8 Unicode text
> rawbayer-load.c:      C source, UTF-8 Unicode text
> red-eye-removal.c:    C source, UTF-8 Unicode text
> ripple.c:             C source, UTF-8 Unicode text
> snn-percentile.c:     C source, UTF-8 Unicode text
> unpremul.c:           C source, UTF-8 Unicode text
> warp.c:               C source, UTF-8 Unicode text
> waves.c:              C source, ASCII text
> whirl-pinch.c:        C source, UTF-8 Unicode text
> Thanks for any clarification,
> Rainer Hurling

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