GNOME 3 Support

Koop Mast kwm at
Wed Jan 9 20:42:35 UTC 2013

On 9-1-2013 18:16, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 11:31 PM, eHitam Technologies
> <ehitamtech at> wrote:
>> Hello! What is the condition of GNOME 3 on FreeBSD? I read of some 'hacks'
>> like this-
>> I am a 3 year Fedora and Ubuntu (GNOME 3) user. I have long addiction to
>> GNOME 3. In FreeBSD only GNOME 2 is visibly available. Is there any way to
>> get GNOME 3? Are hacks I just posted above are stable enough? Stability as
>> I am a programmer and have important binaries and source code stored. I can
>> recover source code easily as all backups are automatically stored at my
>> remote server, but re compiling all the binaries and getting all the
>> compilers to work again is a pain.
> Gnome3 is available from the FreeBSD Gnome development repo on
> marcuscom. Last report was that it was being held up awaiting the
> release of FreeBSD 9.1, but that has now happened, so I expect thatit
> will be committed to ports soon.
> For more information, like accessing the marcuscom repo, see

The above is correct, however I can't give a ETA on when it will be 
committed since our package build and test servers are still offline 
from the security incident last year. The needed glib update for example 
will break some ports. And I don't want to break those and then getting 
a ton of bug reports of it because we didn't test.


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