[patch] graphics/gtk-update-icon-cache: fix pre-configure test

Mel Flynn rflynn at acsalaska.net
Tue Mar 20 18:21:38 UTC 2012

>Submitter-Id:	current-users
>Originator:	Mel Flynn
>Confidential:	no 
>Synopsis:	[patch] graphics/gtk-update-icon-cache: fix pre-configure test
>Severity:	serious
>Priority:	low
>Category:	ports
>Class:		sw-bug
>Release:	FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE amd64
System: FreeBSD datakitty.lan.rachie.is-a-geek.net 8.2-STABLE FreeBSD 8.2-STABLE #6 r230977: Sun Feb 5 06:20:11 AKST 2012 mel at datakitty.lan.rachie.is-a-geek.net:/data/obj/data/RELENG_8/src/sys/GENERIC amd64

A test is done in pre-configure stage for the presence of cairo-xlib.pc,
however this test is done using exists() directive for make(1).
This test is done at Makefile parse time and thus will fail, if cairo is
not installed `depends' time.

pkg_delete -f cairo-\*
### make sure WITHOUT_X11 is not set in env or make.conf
make -C /usr/ports/graphics/gtk-update-icon-cache configure


The fix below moves the test to sh, which effectively ensures that the test
for existence is done at pre-configure stage rather than Makefile parse.

--- fix-gtk-update-icon-cache.patch begins here ---
Index: graphics/gtk-update-icon-cache/Makefile
RCS file: /home/ncvs/ports/graphics/gtk-update-icon-cache/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 Makefile
--- graphics/gtk-update-icon-cache/Makefile	23 Sep 2011 22:23:14 -0000	1.3
+++ graphics/gtk-update-icon-cache/Makefile	20 Mar 2012 18:04:04 -0000
@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@
 .include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
-.if !exists(${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/cairo-xlib.pc)
-	@${ECHO_CMD} "${PKGNAME}: Needs cairo build with X11 support."
-	@${FALSE}
+	@if [ ! -f ${LOCALBASE}/libdata/pkgconfig/cairo-xlib.pc ]; then \
+		${ECHO_CMD} "${PKGNAME}: Needs cairo built with X11 support."; \
+		${FALSE}; \
+	fi
 	@cd ${WRKSRC}/gtk && ${GMAKE} gtk-update-icon-cache
--- fix-gtk-update-icon-cache.patch ends here ---

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