Stop in /usr/ports/multimedia/totem

AN andy at
Sat Jun 2 03:31:24 UTC 2012

FreeBSD FBSD10 10.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #20 r236371: Thu May 31 
21:34:10 EDT 2012     root at FBSD10:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/MYKERNEL  amd64

Not using clang.

Trying to portupgrade totem fails:

portupgrade -v totem

xsltproc -o totem-zh_CN.omf --stringparam db2omf.basename totem 
--stringparam db2omf.format 'docbook' --stringparam db2omf.dtd 
"-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" --stringparam db2omf.lang zh_CN 
--stringparam db2omf.omf_dir "/usr/local/share/omf" --stringparam 
db2omf.help_dir "/usr/local/share/gnome/help" --stringparam db2omf.omf_in 
--stringparam db2omf.scrollkeeper_cl "`scrollkeeper-config 
--pkgdatadir`/Templates/C/scrollkeeper_cl.xml" `/usr/local/bin/pkg-config 
--variable db2omf gnome-doc-utils` zh_CN/totem.xml || { rm -f 
"totem-zh_CN.omf"; exit 1; }
xsltproc -o totem-zh_HK.omf --stringparam db2omf.basename totem 
--stringparam db2omf.format 'docbook' --stringparam db2omf.dtd 
"-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" --stringparam db2omf.lang zh_HK 
--stringparam db2omf.omf_dir "/usr/local/share/omf" --stringparam 
db2omf.help_dir "/usr/local/share/gnome/help" --stringparam db2omf.omf_in 
--stringparam db2omf.scrollkeeper_cl "`scrollkeeper-config 
--pkgdatadir`/Templates/C/scrollkeeper_cl.xml" `/usr/local/bin/pkg-config 
--variable db2omf gnome-doc-utils` zh_HK/totem.xml || { rm -f 
"totem-zh_HK.omf"; exit 1; }
xsltproc -o totem-zh_TW.omf --stringparam db2omf.basename totem 
--stringparam db2omf.format 'docbook' --stringparam db2omf.dtd 
"-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN" --stringparam db2omf.lang zh_TW 
--stringparam db2omf.omf_dir "/usr/local/share/omf" --stringparam 
db2omf.help_dir "/usr/local/share/gnome/help" --stringparam db2omf.omf_in 
--stringparam db2omf.scrollkeeper_cl "`scrollkeeper-config 
--pkgdatadir`/Templates/C/scrollkeeper_cl.xml" `/usr/local/bin/pkg-config 
--variable db2omf gnome-doc-utils` zh_TW/totem.xml || { rm -f 
"totem-zh_TW.omf"; exit 1; } parser error : 
Content error in the external subset
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
^ validity error : 
All markup of the conditional section is not in the same entity
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
^ parser error : 
Content error in the external subset
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
unable to parse zh_TW/totem.xml
gmake[2]: *** [totem-zh_TW.omf] Error 1
gmake[2]: Leaving directory 
gmake[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory 
gmake: *** [all] Error 2
*** [do-build] Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/multimedia/totem.
*** [build] Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/multimedia/totem.
** Command failed [exit code 1]: /usr/bin/script -qa 
/tmp/portupgrade20120601-82114-1l7p04u-0 env UPGRADE_TOOL=portupgrade 
UPGRADE_PORT=totem-2.32.0_1 UPGRADE_PORT_VER=2.32.0_1 make
** Fix the problem and try again.
--->  Build of multimedia/totem ended at: Fri, 01 Jun 2012 23:26:44 -0400 
(consumed 00:06:24)
--->  Upgrade of multimedia/totem ended at: Fri, 01 Jun 2012 23:26:44 
-0400 (consumed 00:06:24)
--->  ** Upgrade tasks 1: 0 done, 0 ignored, 0 skipped and 1 failed
--->  Listing the results (+:done / -:ignored / *:skipped / !:failed)
 	! multimedia/totem (totem-2.32.0_1)	(unknown build error)
--->  Packages processed: 0 done, 0 ignored, 0 skipped and 1 failed

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