Possible bug w/ Gnome 2.32 on PC-BSD 9

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at freebsd.org
Mon Jan 2 01:18:12 UTC 2012

On 1/1/12 4:52 PM, Jon Mechling wrote:
> Running PC-BSD 9.0 RC3 w/ Gnome 2.32.1.  Older Nvidia board (GeForce 7300 LE) w/ Nvidia drivers that came with the RC3 DVD.
> Everything seems great except I can't get browsers (Firefox, Chromium, or Epiphany) to respect the Gnome settings (under "Appearances") for font smoothing/hinting (I prefer none/slight, to get that non-antialiased pixel-aligned sharpness of, say, Windows 2000).  And the desktop task bar doesn't respect the Gnome settings for preferred font (I tried several MS fonts, but the task bar seems stuck on Sans).
> Other apps do respect the Gnome settings - the Nvidia control panel, for example, renders the correct fonts the correct way, perfectly.  So it is not a universal issue.
> Gnome 2.32 on Linux doesn't have these problems. (In Linux, to get Firefox to render properly, I do have to remove 3 files from the /etc/fonts/conf.d folder - all three start with "10" - I am a BSD noob, so I looked for that folder here and couldn't find it.  However, Chrome doesn't need those files removed in Linux, and it has the rendering issue in BSD that I am writing about, so I am not sure that's the issue here.)
> I love the fact you have brought Gnome 2.32 (and not 3.x) onto BSD.  I do hope small things like this font issue get worked out - it would be enough to make me use Linux less and BSD much more.
> Let me know if you need more info from me.

I am not seeing this problem in my GNOME VM.  Of course, I'm not using
PC-BSD.  How did you install GNOME?  If done via ports or packages,
fonts really should be respected across native GNOME apps (Firefox and
Chromium may be Linux apps, though).

I set my Application Font to Comic Sans MS, and gnome-panel and the
dialogs in Ephy reflect the change.  The pages in Ephy do not
immediately show Comic Sans since they are allowed to specify their own
fonts via CSS.

All of the fontconfig stuff for FreeBSD is found under
/usr/local/etc/fonts.  We don't have any 10-* files in our conf.d.


Joe Marcus Clarke
FreeBSD GNOME Team	::	gnome at FreeBSD.org
FreeNode / #freebsd-gnome

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