Anything I can do to help: GNOME FreeBSD related? yes

Jeremy Messenger mezz.freebsd at
Wed Mar 16 04:37:08 UTC 2011

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 11:33 PM, Jeremy Messenger
<mezz.freebsd at> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 10:39 PM, Super Bisquit <superbisquit at> wrote:
>> Okay. I cvs'ed the ports tree and copied them into my ports tree.
>> Building gnome3 now.
> After you finished with the build. Be sure to update it again by
> 'marcusmerge -u' then update your installed ports. I have fixed a few
> stuff in there recently. I now have fully desktop function after
> installed the x11/gnome3 and x11/xorg. Still more stuff that need to
> be fixed.

Oh yeah, I forgot an important issue. When you got GNOME desktop up
and running. Make sure to go to Screen in the System setting and
disable the lock. The lock/unlock don't work at the moment. If you
lock it and you won't be able to unlock it.


> The gnome-shell can be installed if you want it by enable
> WITH_GNOME_SHELL=yes in x11/gnome3. I don't have any issue with
> gnome-shell, but kwm has issues. The gnome-shell requires a good video
> driver. I am using nvidia-driver. kwm has, I think, ati driver. The
> gnome-session will check if your video driver is good or bad. If bad,
> it will fall back to classic session like GNOME 2 with metacity and
> gnome-panel. If you don't install gnome-shell, it will fall back to
> classic session too.
>> On 3/15/11, Super Bisquit <superbisquit at> wrote:
>>> The module name I will need to check out?
> ports module. It is default in the marcusmerge script, so all you have
> to do at the first checkout.
> sh marcusmerge
> To update it:
> sh marcusmerge -u
> That's it.
> Cheers,
> Mezz
>>> On 3/15/11, Jeremy Messenger <mezz.freebsd at> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 5:13 PM, Super Bisquit <superbisquit at>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I have the quicksilver and the B&W available for building, testing etc.
>>>> We could use some help with getting GNOME 3 ustable (x11/gnome3). It's
>>>> in MarcusCom CVS.
>>>> BTW: Do not install x11/gnome2 or other GNOME 2 stuff if you install
>>>> x11/gnome3. We haven't finish with check all CONFLICTS and etc yet.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Mezz

mezz.freebsd at - mezz at
FreeBSD GNOME Team - gnome at

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